
The Rules and Regulations define the purposes of the Club having regard to the memory of Sir Jack Hobbs, his services to Surrey and England cricket, and the objectives of the Surrey County Cricket Club Youth Trust which are directed towards the interests of young people.

John Arlott, Founder of the Club, was appointed its Perpetual President.

Rules & Regulations

  1. Name

    The Club shall be called The Master’s Club in honour and permanent memory of Sir John Berry Hobbs (Sir Jack Hobbs) whose standing and contribution to the game of cricket provided the motivation for its creation in 1953 by John Arlott Esq OBE.

  2. Location

    The Headquarters of the Club shall be c/o Surrey County Cricket Club, The Oval, Kennington, London SE11 5SS.

  3. Purposes of the Club

    a) To perpetuate the name of Sir Jack Hobbs by meeting on his birthday, 16th December, in each year or on the closest date to this anniversary to be determined by the members present at the previous Annual General Meeting.
    b) Having regard to Sir Jack Hobbs’ services to Surrey cricket, to support the objectives of the Surrey County Cricket Club Youth Trust.

  4. Perpetual President

    The Perpetual President of the Club shall be John Arlott Esq OBE, its Founder.

  5. Membership

    a) Membership of the Club shall consist of those individuals comprising the membership roll on 14th December 1990.
    b) In addition, new Members may be proposed for election through nomination by any Member in writing to the Secretary not less than 21 days before each Annual General Meeting. To secure election candidates must receive the unanimous support of those Members present at the Annual General Meeting.
    c) Candidates shall be those individuals who will promote the purposes of the Club (Rule 3) and who by their involvement with and contribution to the First Class game are known to uphold cricket standards as exemplified by Sir Jack Hobbs.
    d) Total Membership at any time shall not exceed 81 to accord with the years of the life of Sir Jack Hobbs 1882-1963.*
    e) The current President of Surrey CCC shall be co-opted to Membership for his year of office.
    f) Each Member shall be required to purchase a club tie to be worn at the AGM, the Annual luncheon, and at other meetings of the Club.

  6. Subscription

    There shall be no annual subscription but funds for the purposes of the Club as defined in 3 above may be raised at the Annual luncheon.

  7. Management

    a) The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee appointed annually by the Members present at the Annual General Meeting. There shall be three Members, one of whom shall be the Chairman, one of whom shall be the Secretary/Treasurer, and one of whom shall be designated “The Third Man”.
    b) The Committee shall meet at least once each year in October and more frequently at the request of two or more Members of the Club.

  8. Annual General Meeting

    a) The AGM shall be held on 16 December each year or on the nearest date agreed as in Rule 3a. Notice of the AGM shall be sent to members not later than 31 October in each year.
    b) The AGM shall consider the election of the Committee, a statement of accounts, the election of new Members, and any other business notified to members with the notice convening the meeting.
    c) The Perpetual President shall preside at the AGM or in his absence the Chairman of the Committee.
    d) There shall be no power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting between Annual General Meetings.

  9. Voting

    Voting at meetings (other than to consider the election of new Members (Rule 5b) shall be by majority vote of those Members present and entitled to vote. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

  10. Alterations to the Rules

    Any proposal to change the Rules shall require a Resolution, proposed and seconded from the membership and submitted in writing to the Secretary before 30 September in any year.

  11. Annual Luncheon

    A Members’ luncheon shall be held each year on the day of the Annual General Meeting. Each Member shall be entitled to bring one other individual as his personal guest.** The proceedings shall include toasts to The Master and Perpetual President.

* The limit was raised to 116 at the 2019 AGM; this was the amount of runs scored in Jack Hobbs final century. The limit was then raised again to 199 at the 2023 AGM; this was the amount of First Class centuries scored by Jack Hobbs.

**Guests are now permitted to bring additional guests, with the approval of the Chairman.